Azure Data Factory(ADF)

Cloud Data Engineering Introduction
Azure Fundamentals
Azure DataFactory
- ADF03_Storage Account
- ADF04_Azure Sql Database
- ADF05_IR_Linked_Service_dataset
- ADF06_Create_pipeline_from_blob_to_azure_sql_Database
- ADF07_Additional_Columns and Pre Copy Script
- ADF08_Blob to Blob and Delete source Files.mp4
- ADF09_Pipenine from Azure SQL DB to MS Sql Server DB
- ADF10_0_Pipeline to Load multiple sheets from excel to Azure SQL DB
- ADF11_1_Get Excel Number of Sheets Dynamically and load it part2
- ADF12_1_Get Excel Number of Sheets Dynamically and load it
- ADF13_2_Target_file_name_with_timestamp
- ADF14_3_Load_file_if_available
- ADF15_3_Load_file_if_available part 2
- ADF16_Introduction about types of loads
- ADF17_Pipeline to Incrementally load data
- ADF18_Pipeline to Incrementally load data part2
- ADF19_Schedule Trigger
- ADF20_Schedule Trigger Part 2|
- ADF21_Tumbling Window Trigger Part 3
- ADF22_Storage Event Trigger part 4
- ADF23_DataFlows_Introduction_part1
- ADF24_Create Dataflow equal to sql query
- ADF25_Create Dataflow equal to sql query part2
- ADF26_Replicate DataFlows logic in copy activity
- ADF27_Split Transformation
- ADF28_Derived_Column_Transformation
- ADF29_Derived_Column_Transformation part2
- ADF30_Data flow libraries
- ADF31_1_Transformations in Stored Procedure
- Azure Functions HTTP Trigger
- Azure Functions HTTP Trigger ETL
- ADF32_2_Transformations in Power Query
- ADF33_Logic Apps
- ADF34_git
- ADF35_Azure DevOps
Big Data