Data Analytics with Python

Data Analysis
Data Analytics
- Material(DS01_01_Numpy package.ipynb)
- 01_Introduction to Data Analyst Role
- 02_about_numpy
- 03_ Create 1D array
- 04_Reading 1D array
- 05_arrays_are_Mutable
- 06_About Iris Data Set
- 07_Create 1d array from column or Series
- 08_Create 2D array
- 09_Create 2D array from table or data frame
- 10_Create 2D array from Black and white image
- 11_Create 3D array
- 12_Create 4D array
- 13_Why we need to learn Numpy array
- 14_Numpy array homogeneous multidimensional array
- 15_NumPy array occupies less memory
- Material(DS01_02_Numpy package.ipynb)
- 16_Working with Basic Statistics
- 17_Standard Deviation Maths
- 18_Standard Deviation calculation with python code
- 19_Standard Deviation to find outliers
- 20_random sample
- 21 random bytes
- 22 random integers
- 23 permutations
- 24 Shuffle
- 25 Seed
- 26 Choice
- 27 Normal Distribution
- 29 Binomial
- 30_Working with linear algebra
- 31_Multiply two matrices
- 32_Inverse of a matrix
- 33_sort
- 34_unique
- 35_Set Operations
- 36_Broadcasting
- 37_Read or Write to Disk
- Material(DS02_01_Pandas Package for Data Analysis.ipynb)
- 38_02_Pandas Introduction
- 39_02_Read Data Frame Method 1
- 40_02_Read Data Frame Method 2
- 41_02_Read Data Frame using label
- 42_02_Read Data Frame using Integer Location
- 43_02_Create dataframe from another dataframe
- 44_02_Create Series from dataframe
- 45_02_Understand Spliting Machine Learning Input and output
- Material(DS02_02_Pandas Filtering DataFrame.ipynb)
- 46_02_Apply Filters on DataFrame
- 47_02_Deep_copy_shallow_copy of dataframe
- 48_02_add one new column to dataframe
- 49_02_Working with all and any with nans
- 50_02_Drop samples with any nans
- 51_02_Working with all and any with zeros
- 52_02_Replace NaN with some value
- Material(DS02_03_Pandas Transformation DataFrame.ipynb)
- 53_02_Convert all metrics into dozens
- 54_02_Convert all metrics into dozens part2
- 55_02_About Indexes
- 56_02_add_two_columns
- Material(DS02_04_Pandas_Advanced_Indexes_DataFrame.ipynb)
- 57_02_Create index manually and by importing from file
- 58_02_Hierarchical indexing
- Material(DS02_05_Pandas_pivot_stack_unstack.ipynb)
- 59_02_Pivot
- 60_02_unstack_stack
- Material(DS02_06_Pandas_groupby_aggregations.ipynb)
- 61_02_Groupby and Aggregations part 1
- 62_02_Groupby and Aggregations part 2
- 63_02_Groupby and Aggregations part 3
Matplotlib Data Visualization
- Material(DS03_01_Data_Visualization_Using_Matplotlib.ipynb)
- 64_03_Matplotlib Data Visualization
- 65_03_plot_part1
- 66_03_plot_part2
- 67_03_Scatter_Graph
- 68_03_Histogram_Graph
- 69_03_Histogram_Graph part 2
- 70_Multiple plots on single axis
- 71_Different line plots using subplot
- 72_xlim_ylim_and_axis
- 73_legend
- 74_03_Using annotate
- 75_03_Modifying styles
About Flat Files
Importing and exporting to Excel
Import SAS and STATA Files
Import HDF5 Files
Import from Relational Database Sqlite
DBeaver Universal Database Tool
Working with Mongo NoSQL databse Introduction
Import files from web
Import data using Open Movie Database APIs
Import data from Wikipedia and Twitter using API
ETL Introduction
Concat DataFrames and Glob Module
Join or Merge two DataFrames
Converting object data type
Regular Expressions Introduction